Mehdi Alioua
Mehdi Alioua is doctor in Sociology from the University of Toulouse, Mehdi Alioua is Associate Professor at the International University of Rabat, attached to "Sciences Po Rabat" where he teaches general sociology as well as his own specialties: urban sociology, sociology of international migrations and sociology of globalization. Recruited in 2011 by the UIR, when he was living in France where he taught at the University of Toulouse 2 and at the IEP of Toulouse, Professor Alioua has participated since its creation in 2011 in the setting up of the School of Political Sciences, known as “Sciences Po Rabat”, of which he is the educational director, and the accreditation and recognition of his diplomas. Authorized to direct research in 2018, he obtained the same year the rank of Associate Professor of the UIR and the direction of the Chair "Migrations, Mobilities, Cosmopolitanism". He is responsible at the Center for Global Studies for the axis “Migrations, global mobility and the complexities of anchoring”.