Marco Borraccetti

Dr. Marco Borraccetti is Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. He is co-Director of the Global Campus - South East Asia, and its master's programme in Democracy and Human Rights. 

His main research interests are the EU immigration policy and practice, the protection of fundamental rights and the EU process, environmental protection and climate change policy. Among his publications are ‘Immigration Policy and Detention as a Solution for Undocumented Immigrants Staying Illegally in the EU’, in The EU, Migration and the Politics of Administrative Detention (edited by Ceccorulli/Labanca, 2014) and ‘La collaboration entre Europol et Interpol: un parcours vers l'integration?’, in La dimension exterieure de l'espace de liberté, de securité et de justice de l'Union éuropéenne après le Traité de Lisbonne (edited by Flaesch-Mougin/Rossi, 2013). Borraccetti has wide teaching experience on EU immigration law and EU and global immigration. He is a legal expert in the Italian delegation to the Global Forum on Migration and Development as well as founder and staff member of the website His research area within GLOBUS will be practices in EU and member states’ migration policy.