Address of H.E. Olof Skoog (Commencement 2024)

H.E. Mr Olof Skoog, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, addressed the ArMA graduates during the online graduation of the 10th cohort of the Global Campus Arab World. Here are some excerpts from his speech:

 “The theme of your anniversary is whether there is a place for human rights education in times of crisis and of war. Your ceremony today and your regional program itself is a clear answer to that question. Human rights are needed more than ever”.

“We live in very hard times with conflicts and crises looming large and we need to turn the tide on human rights backsliding. In Lebanon, in Gaza, in Israel, in Ukraine, in Sudan and beyond, we need to stop the bloodshed and widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and bring back humanity, civility and diplomacy”.

“You've chosen human rights as an academic subject, and I congratulate you for that too. It's easy to be disillusioned by the state of the world, but we know that the vast majority of countries and every youth in the world aspire for freedoms, opportunities and rights. So there is great hope, and the world needs people like you to lead the way.”

“By investing into human rights and into young generations, we have a chance to turn the tide for human rights”, check out the video for the rest of Mr. Skoog message to the graduates of the ArMA programme.  

Online Graduation of the Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, Institute of Political Science, 10th December 2024.